Parents’ Association
The objective of the Parents’ Association
The objective of the Association is to provide a forum for parents to become involved in matters pertaining to the development of school/parent linkages in the following ways;
- Organising courses on topics of interest to parents.
- Assisting in fund-raising for essential school activities.
- To encourage parents’ participation in promoting the well-being and interests of the pupils of the school.
- To further the Catholic and Educational Objectives of the school
- To inform and consult parents regarding school plans and activities. However, the Association does not involve itself in matters relating to the internal administration of the school.
- To assist/organise with school organised events.
- To organise social events for Rosemont parents and/or families.
For the Parents’ Association Constitution, please Click Here
2023 / 2024 Committee Members
We encourage all parents to consider participating in the Parents Association
WhatsApp Class Groups
The PA facilitate the setting up of WhatsApp groups for each class. The purpose of the groups is to inform parents of PA events and news. If you would like to be added please email us.
Contact us at:Â Â parents.association@