We are delighted to feature Dr Karen E. Bohlin from Boston, Massachusetts, a recognised expert in education and virtue.  Thursday May 26th, 7.30pm at Rosemont School.

Senior scholar at Boston University’s Center for Character and Social Responsibility and director emerita of BU’s Center for the Advancement of Ethics and Character, she served as assistant professor of education and then as head of school at Montrose in Medfield, MA, where she founded the LifeCompass Institute for Character & Leadership, a lab school community of practice.

A veteran educator at the middle, secondary, and university level, she has worked with state departments and ministries of education around the world. Co-architect of the National Schools of Character Program, a sabbatical fellow at the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues in the UK, an editorial reviewer and contributor to the Journal of Character Education and the Journal of Education, most recently, she co-led the Kern Partners in Character & Educational Leadership (KPCEL 2019-2021). Dr. Bohlin’s current work focuses on educating leaders in the practical wisdom, what Aristotle called “good sense” or phronesis, they need to shape institutions committed to individual and collective flourishing. She is director of the Practical Wisdom Project at the Abigail Adams Institute (AAI) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

A guest on National Public Radio’s Merrow Report and CBS’s Early Show, Dr. Bohlin has been interviewed for Parents Magazine, US News and World Report, Reader’s Digest, New York Times, Boston Globe, Newsweek, Ladies Home Journal and several podcasts.


Cost: €35/person or couple

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