Weekly News:

  • Geography news
  • Culture Week
  • Irish News
  • Wellbeing week
  • TY Tuesday module
  • Building Leadership

Geography News

Geography Week 2021

From the 15th to the 19th of November, the Rosemont Geography Department organised Geography Week in the school. The objective of this week was to give all members of the school community a flavour of the importance of Geography around us and to irradiate the significance of geography in today’s day and age, in a creative and stimulating way.

Every year group was involved in enjoyable Geography activities throughout the week- The first years took charge of designing and creating beautiful posters promoting Geography and putting them up around the school. The second years played Geography games in class, while the third years created their own weather instruments! The Transition Years prepared a challenging quiz for fifth and sixth years to complete at lunchtime, and had the opportunity to attend a European Movement Ireland program that reviewed the issues raised and the targets set during the recent COP26 conference, focusing particularly on the impact on Ireland and the EU.

A fascinating geography quiz question was announced every morning, and students put their answers into a box outside Ms. Doyle’s room, who would then pick a daily winner.

This year’s Geography Week was a huge success, and could not have been carried out without Ms. Doyle, Ms. Kelly, and Ms. Lyons and their dedication and creativity! Without a doubt, it was an opportunity that opened everyone’s eyes to the prevalence of Geography, and stressed the influence of our actions on our futures. by Nabeeha M, TY

On the 15th of November, the Transition Year students attended a talk on COP26, as part of Geography Week. The talk was hosted by the European Commission and European Movement Ireland. Everyone was eager to learn about the agreements and pledges made at COP26, and what that meant for us in Ireland, and society as a whole. Over the past couple of weeks, COP26 has dominated the headlines, and now that the conference has concluded, we now have an insight into the reality of what the agreements made, means for us. We were first informed of the deals and pledges the European Union made, during COP26, such as ‘The European Green Deal’, which is hoped to lead Europe towards a better future. The key message from the talk was that of global solidarity, and how it is vital for us to implement the actions, in order to achieve the results. We were informed of the fact that our most efficient tool against global warming and climate change, is that of energy efficiency. Overall, the Transition Years thoroughly enjoyed the talk, and found it to be most interesting and inspiring. By Ella O, TY

Culture Week

This week the student council organised a Culture week here in Rosemont School to celebrate the many different cultures we are so fortunate to have here in the school. From informative posters to traditional music and quizzes each day, we hope everyone came away having learned something new from our diverse student body.

Irish News – Gael Linn debating

Martha J, Charlie T and Kate S (Third Year) represented Rosemont School last week in the Junior debate in Áras Chrónáin in Clondalkin. Siobhán B (6th year), Nabeeha and Ella O L(TY) were our senior representatives.  They all worked diligently at break and lunchtimes to prepare and the senior team made it through to the next round. The Junior team lost out by a narrow margin but gained huge experience.  Congratulations to all. We are very proud of you all.

Ghlac Martha, Kate agus Charlie (Bliain 3) páirt I gcomórtas díospóireachta Gael Linn ar an 17 lá de Shamhain in Áras Chrónáin I gCluain Dolcáin. Rinne said obair dhian agus bhí argóintí láidire acu. Maith sibh, a chailíní.

Ghlac lucht na hArdteiste páirt sa Chomórtas Díospóireachta Gael Linn ar an 10/11/21. Labhair Nabeeha, Ella O L agus Siobhán faoin droch-thionchar a bhaineann le na meáin shóisialta. Rachaidh said ar aghaidh go dtí an chéad bhabhta eile tar éis na Nollag. Comhghairdeas libh!

Wellbeing Week

Last week for wellbeing week in Rosemont we all took a bit of extra time to focus on our wellbeing with Zumba, meditation, and yoga being some of the activities the girls got to participate in.  Our 5th years seemed to really enjoy the Zumba class!


TY – Tuesday Module

TY’s have had a number of outings the last few weeks from survival courses, Hell & Back at Kilruddery House, and last went to the zoo last week as part of their Tuesday module! They had a great time together!

Building Leadership

On the 18th November Rosemont hosted another Building Leadership evening via Zoom.  The topic discussed was, How to support our teens when friendships change. Please find the recording below for those that missed it.