Weekly News

In this issue:   Anti Bullying Awareness Week Coaching in Rosemont Senior Irish Debating Comhairle na nOg Rosemont Gala Sports Musical Fernhill in the classroom Green Schools School Council Reminders Click Here for Weekly...

Weekly News

In this issue; JC Results Human Rights Week Irish Essay Competition 1st Year Art Bread 41 & Halloween Baking School Tour – London 6th Year Trip Sports Rosemont Gala Reminder   For more CLICK...

Weekly News

In this issue: 6th year Biology Sports News Mace debating ICGS 1st year 2024 applications Save the date – Rosemont Gala Reminder Click Here for Weekly News

Weekly News

In this issue TY Coffee Morning Sports News 6th Year, ICGS conference Class of 2023 Debs 1st year 2024 applications Reminder Click Here for Weekly News
Weekly News

Weekly News

In this week’s Weekly News Healthy Living Week Home Ec. Healthy Eating Week Sports Day Musical TY World Skills 1st year English Open Evening Rockbrook Park School Open Evening Reminder Click Here for Weekly...
Weekly News

Weekly News

Click Here for Weekly News In this issue: Culture Week 1st Year Literary Tour Geography Field Trip Extra Curricular Timetable Parents Association Guest speaker Open Evening Rockbrook Park School Open Evening Reminder...