
In 2012, we completed our most ambitious development project – our definitive campus in Sandyford, Dublin. With the help of Rosemont families and friends, we raised over €7 million to build a state-of-the-art campus that will educate future generations of Rosemont students.

In our beautiful new home, we now can grow in size and opportunity. To facilitate this growth, our new projects include:

Educating for Excellence Campaign Phase I:


Rosemont Bursary Fund


Key to the ethos of Rosemont is to facilitate equal opportunity of access to education and diversity. This independently funded programme established by the Trustees is aimed at students who will benefit from the opportunities that Rosemont provides and who will contribute strongly to the life of the school. The Trustees have developed a Student Bursary Programme which offers Bursaries to support those families who are not in a position to pay full fees. For more information, please click here Student Bursary Policy 2022.


Educating for Excellence Campaign Phase II:

Rosemont Chapel


The Chapel is the heart of Rosemont School. Rosemont aims to instill a deep understanding that all persons are beloved children of God. This vision of life is at the core of the self-confidence and solidarity with others for which Rosemont girls are known. The chapel offers all students, parents, and staff a place for building up their friendship with God, an opportunity to reflect quietly, and the possibility of participating in Mass for classes and the entire school if desired.

Our next Gala and Auction will be held on Saturday March 2nd, 2024.  Past events have proven it is not a night to miss!  Your continued support is most appreciated.


Contact Kathleen Pacious with any questions!




Rosemont relies on your support to make these dreams reality.  A gift of education is a gift for life.  You may support Rosemont through a direct donation or donor advised gift, via the following:


  1. Donate via Bank Transfer to Rosemont Educational Foundation Ltd.
Bank Details:
IBAN: IE43 AIBK 9310 6320 1925 63
Bank Address: AIB, 52 Baggot Street, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Allied Irish Banks (AIB)
Please put your name as reference
  1. Donate via Donor Advised Gift through the Ireland Funds.
Contact Kathleen Pacious, Head of Development, with any questions:

Open Evening

Thursday, September 26th at 5.30pm

We would like to welcome parents and students to our Open Evening
on Thursday, September 26th at 5.30pm and learn more about a Rosemont education

Click here to register

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