Message from Principal

​It is my pleasure to introduce you to our school.

​Families who choose Rosemont value academic results. They also want their daughter to learn to: take ownership of her learning, set goals, give back to her community, and develop people skills. Founded by parents, Rosemont teachers work collaboratively with families. Our teachers and coaches start by forming partnerships with our parents, keeping them informed and up-to-date. We value parent feedback and input, and we offer opportunities to meet throughout the school year. As a result, we find, our students are successful and our educational approach is effective.

Having sports as a core part of the curriculum is a key element in achieving these aims, by encouraging healthy living and work-life balance at school.

​At Rosemont we believe these qualities and skills represent the characteristics of thriving secondary students, high-achieving university graduates, and successful adults. Teaching those qualities is what drives our educational approach.

Our experience at Rosemont is that high grades and exceptional results follow naturally after students receive an effective education. I invite interested parents to explore our website to learn more about how we deliver results and teach the skills that are essential for success in third-level education and the workplace. Better still, visit us during our open day, meet our staff and stay for a chat.

Finally, I would like to offer my congratulations to this year’s graduates. I wish all of them good luck in their third-level studies!


Brendan O’Callaghan