We can all relate to the title of this Building Leadership talk; “Serving others: what’s in it for me?”. Motivation is key in the life of a teen. And what greater motivation can there be than personal happiness? In this Building leadership talk, Máire Cassidy explores the numerous studies which have shown that service leads to happiness. There is a direct link between service and lowers stress hormones. In fact, when you serve others without hoping for a return on that service others want you to lead. The future happiness of our teens and future connections are predicated by their engagement with service now as teens. Máire discusses how we as caring adults and parents can help our teens engage with service in school, at home, among peers, and in the wider community through volunteering. She explores how teens serve best and the challenges we have as adults in supporting our teens in giving and serving others.
13 things mentally strong teens do: Amy Morin,
Take 5: 13 Things Mentally Strong Kids Do — Q&A with Amy Morin 1-19-22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jgTBmB8aRc
Raising a Strong Daughter in a Toxic Culture: Meg Meeker, M.D
Servant Leadership: Robert K. Greenleaf
From Strength to Strength (for parents): Arthur Brookes:
Volunteering opportunities:
Making Connections (DLR area): https://www.makingconnections.ie/
Eagles Special Needs Rugby, Palmerstown: https://www.dlspfc.ie/the-eagles
Fearless youth group: https://www.wearefearless.ie/join, enquire about volunteering opportunities