Weekly News:

  • Principal’s Message
  • Incoming 1st years welcome video
  • European Money Quiz
  • Reading Olympics
  • Building Leadership


Principal’s Message

Dear Parents and Students,

We were so delighted on Monday to welcome our full student body back to Rosemont. The hum of the girls’ chatter back in the corridors blended wonderfully with the hopeful Spring weather that accompanied them back to our campus. It was a long period for our 1st – Transition Year students to be away from the school campus and although online learning has its benefits, it can never replace in-school learning. Most of our students have met with their coaches this week, the remainder will meet next week.  Coaches will continue to follow up with and assist their students for the remainder of the academic year.
A big thank you to our Head Girl, Abigail, Deputy Head, Mary-Anne, and Prefects who produced a welcoming video for our incoming 1st years, many of whom due to safety regulations and Covid-19 have not made it onto the Rosemont campus just yet.
Lastly, I ask all our students to remain cautious and to continue to abide by the regulations so we can all stay safe and well.

Kindest regards,

Janet Dean


Incoming 1st years welcome video

European Money Quiz

On Thursday 16th April the 2nd and 3rd Year Business Studies students took part in the European Money Quiz. It is a European-wide competition to improve the financial literacy of 13-15 year-olds and is organised by Banking & Payment Federation Ireland.

Students participated in a Kahoot Quiz with approximately 720 other students to answer 15 money and finance related questions. There was great excitement when Ella Moore (3rd year) managed to top the leader board for a number of questions during the quiz. Ella finished in 25th place along with Chloe O’Connor (2nd year) finishing in 16th place. A fantastic achievement from both girls and all the Business Studies students that took part. It was a valuable experience for all and a lot of fun.

Reading Olympics

1st Elm participated in Reading Olympics from December-April. The students were assigned into 5 teams. Each student who finished one book received a point for her team. All books were read outside of school and the competition was a way to deepen the students’ love for literature and the practice of reading for fun.

We had our Medaling Ceremony on April 13 to celebrate the teams’ success!

Three of the five teams received Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medals as well as balloons and “trophies”.
The “Green Team”: Muireann, Aimee, Eva, and Jessica received a Gold Medal for their first place finish with 94 books
The “Blue Team”: Symone, Annabelle, Addisyn, Grace C, and Leah received a Silver Medal for their second place finish with 63 books.
The “Yellow Team”: Shriya, Molly, Aisling, Emily, and Megan received a Bronze Medal for their third place finish with 62 books.
Overall 1st Elm read 270 books between December- April.

Building Leadership

Recording of Topic: Step up and speak out: