Weekly News

A letter from Ms Mercer, PE Dept

Dear Parent/Guardian, Around this time each year the students of Rosemont would normally be getting ready for a fun-packed sports day. Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions we cannot run our regular sports day format. Instead this year we are giving the students...

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Weekly News

18/09/2020 We took the best nature gave us this week and adapted many of our classes to outdoor learning. Here's just a sample;  3rd years examined relevant species in our soil for Ecology and took notes and samples.  1st year Choir class took place in our outdoor...

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Letter from Ms Dean, Principal

Letter from Ms Dean, Principal

10/09/2020 Dear parents, Firstly, we want to congratulate the girls for their engagement with the necessary changes to school life due to Covid-19.  It is great to see them showing adaptability, good humour and resilience. Secondly , we want to thank parents for their...

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Congratulations Class of 2020

Congratulations Class of 2020

The Principal, staff and students of Rosemont would like to wish our Class of 2020 heartfelt congratulations on their Leaving Certificate results. Academically you achieved outstanding results, worked hard and deserve such excellent grades.  But above all,  we salute...

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School News

School News

First announcement for this academic year by our Head Girl, Sophia and Deputy, Saidbh. Wonderful to have all our students back. An excellent first week. Thank you and well done all. Janet Dean, Principal

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Return to School

Return to School

  We are all set up and looking forward to our girls' safe return to school next week

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Letter to parents: Covid-19

Letter to parents: Covid-19

 20/08/2020Dear Parents and Guardians,Over recent weeks we have been working with the advice from the Department of Education regarding a full return to school. Our priority is the safe return to school for all our students and staff. Parents,...

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