Weekly News

Service of others:  Toy upcycling

Service of others: Toy upcycling

First years were busy on Thursday upgrading toys for Christmas gifts for children in need. A million thanks to all for your donations for such a worthy cause. Thank you and well done 1st years for all your hard work    

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University Entrance and Scholars awards

Congratulations to Aoife H ( Class of 2019) on receiving an Entrance Scholar's Award to UCD  where she is currently studying Engineering. Congratulations also to Inés (Class of 2018) and Ursala (Class of 2019) who were Entrance Exhibition Awards recipients at...

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¡Enhorabuena! to Rosemont’s Senior Spanish Debating team!

¡Enhorabuena! to Rosemont’s Senior Spanish Debating team!

¡Enhorabuena! to Rosemont’s Senior Spanish Debating team! The Spanish debating team of Sarah, Alex, Sofia, and captained by Lucy, beat Belvedere College last night in the quarter-finals of the ATS debating competition. The girls are now getting ready to debate in the...

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Science Week 2019

Science Week 2019

A lot happened in recognition of Science Week in Rosemont School: As it is the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of the Elements all science classes were involved in making an edible version of the Periodic Table. Fifth and sixth years got to attend a...

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Irish debating team

Irish debating team

Ghlac an foireann díospóireachta páirt i gCómortas díospóireachta Gael Linn ar an 5ú lá de Shamhain. An rún a bhi acu ná Is iad ár laethanta scoile na laethanta is fear dár saol. Bhí argóintí láidire acu go léir. Bhí an díospóireacht ar siúl i Meán scoil John Scottus...

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Beyond the Seas

Beyond the Seas

Tickets on sale now from reception. Family €30 (2 adults & 2 children), Adult €10, Students/Senior €6

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Music in Dundrum Town Centre

Music in Dundrum Town Centre

On Wednesday a collection of Rosemont music students were invited to play piano recitals in Dundrum Town Centre.  The girls enjoyed themselves and played beautifully.  It was most pleasurable for Dundrum shoppers too!

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