Weekly News

Student Council 2020/21

Student Council 2020/21

Congratulations to our newly elected Head Girl, Sofia P and Deputy Head Girl, Saidhbh F Congratulations also to our newly elected Prefects. Ruth A, Tess B, Rachel D, Isabel R.  Back row l to r: Sarah J, Lucy H, Alexandra K, Rachel G, Ellen M    

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Junk Kouture 2020

Junk Kouture 2020

The very best of luck to our 3 Rosemont teams entering the annual international Junk Kouture competition. The teams entering are; 'Coffee Couture' by Ciara O'C, Mia P and Franziska B 'The Mariposa' by Sophie G, Keelin D and Aimee G 'DeNile' by Sarah Louise N, Maria B...

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Tony’s retirement

At whole school assembly on Friday, we presented Tony with some gifts:  a rose plant, cake, and gift voucher a card from the girls, in gratitude for his years of work for us on the cleaning team here in Rosemont School.  Tony will be very much missed, for his smile,...

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Student Council & Leadership

Encouraging the student voice and student leadership has always been an important part of Rosemont School. We have had an active Student Council who have worked hard on letting that voice be heard, encouraging school spirit & giving back to the school & local...

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Art department trip

The 5th and 6th Year Art students had their annual Art trip on Wednesday 4th December to the National Gallery of Ireland.  I had organised a guided Highlights Tour and as we're studying The Renaissance the guide focused on that era.  Although the NGI doesn't have any...

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Rosemont Enterprise Week

Last week saw Rosemont hold its first Enterprise Week. All students had the opportunity to engage with a series of business related workshops including Financial Literacy, Money Management, Business Start-ups and Entrepreneurship. Our annual Christmas Fair took place...

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Senior Spanish Debating

Senior Spanish Debating

 Congratulations once again to Rosemont's Senior Spanish Debating team! In a very hotly contested debate last Thursday, Lucy, Alex, Sofia and Sarah beat Loreto Dalkey. The motion 'Esta casa introduciría una cuota de género en las elecciones parlamentarias' made for...

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Rosemont Musical – Beyond the Seas

Rosemont Musical – Beyond the Seas

The Rosemont Musical is an annual event that draws on the immense talent from the Drama, Music and Art departments.  All cast and crew gave their all resulting in three stellar performances. 

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